This needs to change…

Serving sizes between hot dogs and hot dog buns should always be equal. If you have more or less buns than hot dogs, then that makes things all messed up. For instance, I bought some hot dogs and buns to go with it. The serving size on the hot dogs was ten. Whereas the serving size on the buns was sixteen. SIXTEEN! That is way more than needs to be. When all the hot dogs are gone, there really is no other reason for the extra hot dog buns, so then they get left to mold. Or if the case was the other way around, there would be people all disappointed because they don’t get to eat their dog with a bun, and half to use boring old bread that could be used for more important foods like sandwiches. And me, I would want my sandwich bread being used for a hot dog. Disrespect to bread. So yeah, that is how I feel about these kinds of things.. 

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